Buddy Program

In August 2020 a number of SBM's across the state completed a Mentor training program facilitated by Claudia Butler from Frameworks for Change.

The primary purpose of this program is to offer support to newly appointed SBM’s or those who are returning to the role following an extended absence. This is an important transition time in people’s careers and the availability of advice and support from a buddy can make a huge difference to a new SBM's confidence, competence and effectiveness in the early days of her/his new role.

The aim of our buddy program is to compliment and support  the Department Business Operational Advisors, DECYP SBM induction Program; SBM Induction Program 10W (sharepoint.com) along with normal in-school inductions and DECYP information days.

 For further information relating to our Buddy Program please talk to your BOA (Business Operations Advisor) or contact a TSAA Executive member.